Junior Youth Empowerment Program

�Junior Youth have a long to be part of and to contribute to something greater than themselves"

The Junior Youth Empowerment Program seeks to assist those between the ages of 11 to 15 to navigate a crucial stage in life, involving them in social interaction with older youth, moulding their capacities for service so as to empower them to direct their energies toward the advancement of their communities.

Emphasis is placed on developing the power of expression �vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing and eloquent speech. If youth are to live a productive and fruitful life in a world of increasing complexity, they must be able to articulate ideas with precision and clarity, to recognize the moral implications of speech and action, and to translate high ideals and noble words into constructive deeps that contribute to the progress of their communities.

Junior Youth Groups

Junior Youth Groups are composed of 8�15 junior youth participants who come together once or twice a week to study, discuss, participate in artistic and extracurricular activities, and design and carry out service initiatives. Groups are guided by an older youth who serves as an �Animator.�


The program aims to assist youth to:

- Acquire basic literacy skills
- Be able to articulate ideas with precision, clarity and eloquence;
- Recognize the moral issues underlying the choices they make;
- Identify the moral implications of speech and action;
- Translate high ideals and noble words into pure deeds;
- Contribute to the betterment of their communities;
- Analyse the constructive and deconstructive forces operating in society.

These are the years in which the future Defenders of The Environment, The Builders of Peace, The Champions of Justice, The Selfless Educators of Humankind are Formed.

For for Information on this Program in your neighbourhood please contact Monica Taefi on 0468 384 856.